
2017 Round up and my Goals for 2018

Its been a while since I sat down and wrote a blog post for me. Something that wasn't a job or a review. Life has been a bit hectic lately, but with the new year approaching I wanted to reflect on the past year and what its taught me, whilst setting out some goals for 2018.

2017 started out with Rich still being deployed. If you are new to my blog my husband is in the armed forces and was deployed overseas from October 2016 to the end of March 2017. I was without a doubt my toughest challenge. Two children, a crazy puppy, family living hundreds of miles away and battling health anxiety, it was no picnic. However it was in a strange way the best thing that could of happened to me.

I feel like I can finally say I am in control of my anxiety, it no longer controls me! It has taken me many years to get to this point but I am incredibly proud of how far I have come. I think a huge part of my recovery was opening up to people, seeking help and using my blog/ social media and YouTube channel to reach out to others who suffer and share my story. I am contacted weekly by women who have been in a similar situation to me and thank me for being so open and sharing my story. Their words have brought more comfort to me than they will realise and it has made the last few years of suffering silently all seem like it was worth it in some strange way.

I was honoured this year to have been asked by PANDAS UK, a fantastic charity that helps women with pre and post natal depression and anxiety, to share my story on a larger platform. I had a lovely crew from ITV news come to my home to talk to me about my struggles and how I got better. which you can read and watch here. The reception I got was overwhelming and it feels so good to be able to help others and make them feel like they aren't alone. This leads me to one of my goals for 2018. Continue to work on my own mental health and share my story and do more work with mental health charity's.

Just before Rich returned home I was able to fly out and meet him for a couple of days to spend some much needed couple time together. I flew out with a friend and we spent four sunny days in beautiful Malta. You can read all about my trip here.

We welcomed Rich home at the end of March and to see the look on my children's faces when they say their Dad after nearly Six months was priceless, you can read all about that here. Its not easy being a military child, and I am so incredible proud of how well they managed without their daddy.

We followed his homecoming with a holiday of a lifetime to Disney world Florida! After so many months apart it was just what we needed. Memories to last  a lifetime were created and I am yet to still edit video footage and photos from our time there (another goal for 2018).

Not only did we come home with wonderful memories we found out shortly after returning home that we brought back something more than some Disney souvenirs!...I was expecting baby number 3! Whilst a little shocked we are so happy and blessed to be welcoming our little lady in just a few weeks now. You can read my announcement here and the gender reveal.

Of course like any year it was filled with some lows, but the highs far outweighed the lows this year. My blog and YouTube channel have grown and I have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic brands, attend events and make friends through this weird and wonderful world of blogging and vlogging. In 2018 I want to push myself further and take my blog and YouTube to the next level, by planning content in advance and setting aside dedicated time to work on this. It really does bring me so much pride and joy as its something that's just mine and that I've created. I want to push myself out my comfort zone and not hold back for the fear of failing or scared of what people make think.

If I have learnt anything this year its that people will always have an opinion on what you do regardless so just go out there and do your thing! After many years of people pleasing and living my life in a way I felt others expected me too, I've come to realise that I spent so many years being unhappy and this past year has honestly been such a learning curve for me and I've got to a place where I am starting to feel content with my life, the way I live and who I am. I don't think you can ask for much more from a year.

2017 I would say overall has been pretty good to me. No single year is going to be perfect. Its all about how you look at it and you can choose to either take the negatives from it or the positives and I'm choosing the positives. 2018 will be a big year for us as a family! welcoming a new baby, a house move ( all being well now we have sold our first home we brought together) Charlie starting school, Rich progressing in his career and hopefully with hard work and determination from me, big things for my little blog and channel.

If you have followed me on my journey through 2017 I thank you. Your kind words, messages and comments have carried me through some difficult times, I hope you stay for 2018. If you are new...welcome! I look forward to sharing it all with you.

I wish you a happy and healthy new year and I would love to hear your goals for 2018!

Thanks for reading

Natasha x


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